Sunday 21 December 2014

Walking In A Winter Wonderland

Most people who live outside of England assume that we all know & have experience the rush of London however that is not the case. I've been to London twice now, the first time I barely remember the nitty gritty detail as I was young at the time and it was a lot to take in. This time round I wasn't been dragged around to specific places and doing activities at set times, this was all what I want to do, when I want to do it.

I spent 3 days & 2 nights in London last weekend and I could of slept for a week when I got back, I did so much fund stuff and had such a good time. 

The main reason I went to London at the time I did was to visit Winter Wonderland at Hyde Park and I highly recommend it to anybody who is visiting. It's certainly more of a fun fair style Christmas market than a food & gifts one but it is certainly a fun experience. However, the above picture is showing you a glimpse of inside their beer tent which was such a surreal but amazing experience. The size, the lights and the atmosphere just made the whole experience incredible and I could of comfortably sat in there all day. We arrive at Winter Wonderland early afternoon and didn't have to queue to get in and the good thing is once you are in, you're in.

Now near where I live the Disney store is very basic, there is Disney songs blasting out and you can buy all sorts of merchandise but the London one has life size characters of all well known Disney Characters and it certainly makes you feel like you're in a magical place.

I just saw this photo opportunity as the weather was so lovely.

I had an absolute blast in the M&M store, I ended up buying an M&M mug just for the sake of buying something. (Yes, I'm a marketers day dream)

One thing I wanted to do while in London was to go ice skating and my original intent was to go do this at Winter Wonderland but it was unfortunately booked up so we had to look elsewhere and I'm so grateful we did as we had the most amazing Christmassy setting at Somerset House. We got straight on the ice without booking, there was Christmas songs playing out loud and with the weather looking out as it was such a nice surrounding.

I did a lot more while in London but these are just some snippets of things I did do and I highly recommend them all to everyone if you go to London around the festive period.

Merry Christmas to you all!

Thursday 4 December 2014

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas...


We all know what that means... Advent Calendars, Christmas Trees, Decorations, Candles & Lush baths.

It's my favourite time of the year and the month has finally arrived, I say finally but in actual fact it only seems two minutes since it was last here.

The decorations in my house are up and I love it so thought I'd give the world a sneak peak at some of them to get everybody in the spirit.

We have the standard decorations which come out of the boxes every year but each year we get some extra little bits & bobs to add to the collection because after all, you can never have too many Christmas decorations.

One little fella which was a new decoration this year is this little reindeer tea light holder. I've been around many Christmas markets and seen many tea light holders that looked so pretty and decided that was a decoration I wanted. He's just so cute and looks so pretty when lit.

The room was quite lit so this picture doesn't show the warmth that these lights bring to the room. Hidden in the leaves are little hearts with messages on and it's such a nice touch.

I think for the past few years now our Christmas tree has changed the corner of the room it sits in, but where it is now is brilliant as it's the first thing you see as you walk through the door. I'm aware that the radiator kills the spirit of the photo but here's our Christmas tree that we have every year. I use to detest it and the way it was decorated but as I've grown older I appreciate it so much more, I think my mum does an amazing job of decorating it.

Earlier in the year we purchased new sofa's and this cushion matches them perfectly. I think cushions are always a nice touch to a room and I certainly don't think you can have too many of them.

I'm aware this picture isn't the greatest but it was difficult to get the lighting right but I HAD to show you all this. This is honestly my favourite decoration. Last year I spent ages looking for a nutcracker to put on our fireplace that was going to be big enough to have a decent effect and when I eventually did fine one, there was one left and it was broken.. Gutted was not the word. I definitely think it was a sign though as this year I stumbled across a bigger and better one. I didn't notice it at first as I stood looking at these huge snowmen in TK Maxx and then I glanced to the left to the about 10 Nutcrackers all staring at me and I've never picked something up so quick in my life. He's honestly amazing and I recommend this for a Christmas decoration as everybody I know who has seen him absolutely loves him!

Happy December Everybody!