We had to meet at midnight on Sunday night/Monday morning to set off on a 12 hour coach journey to Paris which I was dreading but it turned out to be fine. However, waking up on Sunday morning at around 8 and not managing to sleep until 1 o'clock Tuesday morning did have it's effects as I nearly slept for a whole day when I was back home!
After an extremely long coach journey we arrived at Disneyland but we were too early to check in so we left our bags in the hotel and headed straight out to Disneyland which thankfully was 5 minutes away and then the fun began.
One of the first things I did when I arrived at Disneyland was purchased some Minnie Mouse ears to get me into the Disney mood. We then went off to explore, experiencing all the rides and meeting characters (which seemed to be hidden away). It was clear blue skies in Paris and was rather warm when stood in the sun but the temperature dropped rapidly once it became night and when watching the firework display I thought I was going to catch some serious illness. Lack of sleep, not enough layers and an extremely low tolerance to cold weather is a bad combination, I couldn't wait to get back to the hotel to sleep in a king size bad all by myself.
After a nice refreshing night it meant waking up to day 2 of exploring Disneyland Paris. The previous day we had a free meal with this token we received as part of our package and it turned out there was one spare which led to a competition to see who could win the final token. The competition was to see who could get the most pictures with Disney characters and after standing in a queue for nearly over an hour we decided we would let somebody else fight for the final token however, we did have some fun photobombing some peoples photos so we could get pictures with other Disney characters such as Daisy duck but unfortunately my friend has them pictures and not me. It turns out we ended up winning the competition but we gave the token to somebody else as none of us were extremely hungry.
I still didn't learn from the previous night about the dramatic drop in temperature as day turns into night and once again suffered during the firework display in the freezing cold but I had purchased a minnie mouse blanket to keep me a little warmer this time.
Here's a few tips/recommendations if you are planning a trip to Disneyland Paris.
♥ The parisians can be extremely rude, don't lower yourselves to their level and be rude back just smile no matter how much they may have got on your nerves because after all... YOU'RE IN DISNEYLAND.
♥ The Rock N Roller coaster is a must if you like rides. Also check out the Space Mountain ride too.
♥ We went in February and were lucky enough to have nice weather but I can imagine how busy it is in the summer and I'm not queues for a lot of things would be worth it so plan the timing of your trip carefully.
♥ I had a lovely lunch at 'The Lucky Nugget' in Frontier Land so I recommend to go there for some food.
♥ Wrap up warm or take a lot of euros after I had to make an emergency spend on my Minnie Mouse blanket which wasn't exactly the cheapest - then again, not much is cheap there.
♥ Something I missed out on was the 'Small world' ride which seemed to have been a big hit for my other 18 year old friends so maybe try that out for a little bit of fun but don't waste your day queueing.
♥ The 20th anniversary parades were so much fun, by the end of them I knew the songs and was singing and dancing along. They're a must watch!
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