Wednesday 26 June 2013

Scarecrow Festival

Every year, the village I live in hosts a 'scarecrow festival'. This is where people from the community get creative and make some fun and exciting scarecrows and I have to say as bad as some of them were... they were all pretty good! The photos were taken on my iPhone so the quality isn't that brilliant but here is a few of the scarecrows that we saw.

This was actually a buffalo or something? But for any Pretty Little Liars fans out there you will understand the reason for the face!
Not quite sure what was going on with this one.. it was one riding a bike and I'm not sure if by the time we had got to it, it had been damaged or if it was actually meant to look like somebody had crashed into a tree. I was rather fascinated by the 'Groovy Chick' bike because as a child I was OBSESSED with Groovy Chick! I didn't even know it existed anymore.
Hehehe I got stabbed

Awww, a dinner date with Kermit and Miss Piggy!
Had to get a picture with Postman Pat since there is also 'Jess the cat' sat on top of the postbox!

Overall there was around 80 scarecrows placed around the village and it was a really fun day and for once the weather wasn't too bad for Britain so the day wasn't spoilt by rain. Because as you will know, if you live in Britain it is impossible to organise an outdoor event without having to cross you fingers for good weather!

Monday 17 June 2013

Best early birthday present EVER!

For my birthday this year my mum and dad had asked me what I wanted and skydiving is something which I has been on my mental bucket-list for a while now so I thought since this year is my 18th and is a 'special' birthday, I would ask to go skydiving. My mum and dad been the kind, generous parents they are paid for me and my dad to go.

It was hands down THEE best experience I have ever encountered. We picked a day in June to go and the past few weeks the weather had been glorious however, the forecast for Saturday wasn't looking too good but we kept our fingers crossed and even though it was cloudy at the start of the day.. the weather actually was half decent!

Even though it sounds like something so extreme, during the whole of the day I wasn't scared or nervous at any one point. At the start of the day while we were waiting to be briefed I was just so tired and ready for bed - I'm really not a morning person. Then we got our briefing and it was just a case of waiting around until it was our turn to jump. 

We didn't end up landing in the landing zone but instead landed in a field rather far away where the crops were taller than me but it was an incredible experience and the staff at Hibaldstow were amazing - everyone was so lovely and funny. If anybody is every contemplating skydiving I definitely recommend it! Skydiving has by far been the best event of my life. A big thank you to my mum and dad and Skydive Hibaldstow!

Thursday 13 June 2013


I cannot stand it when I feel so 'cluttered'. After my recent exam stress my room became an absolute tip and with all my free time I decided it's time to declutter. I went to my box with all my nail vanish's in and decided that is where I would start.

I got all my nail vanish's together and put them into a bag and began on my mission.

You can see by the state of half of these that this clearout is long long long overdue. During this clearout I found nail vanish's I never even knew I had!
Now with the majority of these nail vanish's I could just shake them and they would return to an acceptable state of 'nail vanishness' but this one was beyond fixing - definitely one for the chuck pile. 
This is the final keeps pile. The majority of these were simply my recent purchases and the main reason for the ones that went in the chuck pile was they were gloopy and had reached the end of their lives.
This was the final chuck pile. As you can see most of them look in a terrible state and that was the main reason for them being thrown away. Apart from the green at the top, I'm not sure what possessed me to ever purchase that but I certainly am not a fan of the colour.

It's always a great feeling when you finally get rid of something that is taking up too much space, it's nice to now be able to look at my nail vanish's and know that when I choose the colour I want, I will be able to apply it without being devastated that it's ran out or it's too thick.

Tuesday 11 June 2013

A Stroll In The Park

School if officially out for me now, Monday 10th June was my final exam I was to ever sit. The past few weeks have been rather hectic for me which lots of things going on in my life causing my head to feel like it was about to explode. So as a sort of celebration of my freedom and also to make the most of the glorious British sun we've recently been having me and my friends went for a stroll around Pugney's Country Park. It's basically a large lake but it looks pretty cute when the sun is shining down on it. It's one of them places that when you are there, you feel far away from home and it's so peaceful, feels like you are away from the real world.

At certain times during the day there is a little train that takes you around the park for a small fee however, we were too late for the train but we did go to the little station which has a great view of the lake.

It's a great place to go for a run too, the path is flat and the trees provide you shade and there are also picnic benches nearby so you could have a lovely picnic in the sun however, you have to be careful of the birds that may come and attack you.

As you get about halfway round the lake there is a viewing shed. It is completely black inside which little slits that you can look out of, they provide a great view of the lake and it's a great photo opportunity.

It was certainly very peaceful and a nice getaway for a few hours of the day. There are plenty of people doing water-sports on the lake during the day too. There are plenty of places which provide great photo opportunities and just a short walk from the lake there is a castle ruins which is also fun to go look round, explore and climb. Overall it's just a peaceful, relaxing, fun place for people of all ages!